La fe no es creer lo que no vimos, sino crear lo que no vemos.

Miguel de Unamuno


Simplified spanish, spelling standards.

This is a simplified version of written Spanish, aims to avoid the most common confusions, writing as close as possible to their pronunciation.

The regularization of all verbs is pending. Because of its difficulty and extent.

Warning: This is a version of Spanish created by and for me. It is not intended to replace normative Spanish in any case beyond the personal experiment it represents. Its use outside this scope is at personal discretion.


a, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, z.

Disappear: b, c, q, w.

They can continue to appear in names, place names, etc. In any case, the word imported from another language must remain as it is in the one of origin. Although it will be considered more correct to make the corresponding phonetic translation when importing terms from other languages.


1 the intermediate u disappears, in all cases ge sounds like in guepardo and it would be written gepardo. Sound as in germánico would be represented by je and would be writen as jermániko.

2 the intermediate u disappears, in all cases gi sounds like in guitarra and it would be written gitarra. Sound as in gigante would be represented by ji and would be writen as jigante.

3 previous sound ch. The objective of this revision of Spanish is simplicity, so it is pending to find a more consistent spelling.

Representations lla, lle, lli, llo, llu disappear; it would be written as y: ya, ye, yi, yo, yu.

The mute h disappears; example: Herramienta would be Erramienta.

Before p o b will be used n instead of m; both give the same sound (in practice) and confusion is avoided when writing sin and simple, remains: sinple.

Initial consonant groups: cn, gn, mn, pn, ps y pt. The first consonant disappears; example: gnóstico becomes nóstico, mnemotécnico becomes nemotécnico or psicología becomes sicología.

Inside words: bs, pt, ns. The first consonant disappears; example: obscuro becomes oscuro, septiembre becomes setiembre or constipado becomes costipado. These cases are already collected by the RAE.

Group cc becomes z; example: cocción becomes kozión, confección becomes konfezión or acción becomes azión. RAE already includes simplification to a single c in some cases.


The umlaut does not disappear, as it can be used in poetry to force the pronunciation of a vowel. But its use to pronounce the u when is preceded by g and followed by e or i it is no longer necessary, since in those cases it is now using j.

Other comments

Where otherwise indicated, classical rules are retained.