Miguel de Unamuno
In case of doubt the Castilian version prevails.
The expression "The Site", used below, refers interchangeably to: carnero.org and sargazos.net
The Site, is a personal space.
The use of The Site implies the express and full acceptance of these general conditions, without prejudice to the particular conditions of each section or content visited.
All elements, structures, designs and code of The Site, except where otherwise specified, they are owned by José M. Carnero, and are protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations.
The contents, in the form of texts and images, are published (if not otherwise indicated) under license Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
Computer code fragments (in PHP, JavaScript, SQL, etc.) are published (unless otherwise stated) under license GNU GPL v3.
Users of The Site can make any use of the contents and the code allowed by the respective licenses.
The Site will not assume any responsibility derived from the use by third parties of the content or computer code of the website and may exercise all civil or criminal actions that correspond to it in case of infringement of these rights by users.
In the sections that allow the intervention of visiting users, as well as the section of contact, The Site collects personal data (as defined in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data).
The essential data is collected to assign the corresponding authorship. Using the same section of contact any visitor can exercise their rights of correction and erasure with respect to their own data.
The Site reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to modify, extend or temporarily suspend The Site, unilaterally.
Likewise The Site reserves the right to modify at any time these conditions of use as well as any other particular conditions related to The Site.
The Site contains links to various content created by third parties (called hyperlinks).
The Site is not responsible for the content of the same or its legal regulations, which is not covered by this legal information or attached to it.
The Site does not assume any responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear in said hyperlinks and includes them exclusively for informational purposes.
The contents of the comments sent by third parties (in the sections that allow it) are the property of their respective authors.
The Site does not assume such comments nor is it responsible for the accuracy and plausibility of the opinions or information expressed, published as comments of third parties, or for the hyperlinks in said comments and declines all responsibility for the use given to them.
The Site reserves the right to remove any comments submitted by third parties if deemed inappropriate or for any other reason and without notice.