It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them.

Ernest Hemingway



Demonstration of the Sony Alpha 7R V. A sample of the "practical" part of the presentation of […]


Basic economics

I was watching in Y0utube a small report by a Polish girl about what can be found in a supermarket […]

Football: Real Madrid vs Celtic

Result: That's the main square of Madrid, does it look like a garbage dump? Yes. That is the […]

football trash, cleaning


Ayer leyendo notizias me enkuentro kon las "revelaziones" de Narcís Serra en su período de […]


A little bit of street photo in the center of Madrid. The target was the woman in the […]


Speech bubble

On a walk, on the hunt for moments. I wanted to bring the dialogue to the forefront, with the […]

Speech bubble


Acabo de pasar un fin de semana largo (de 4 días) lejos de casa. Antes de salir cargué el móvil; […]

Creía tener un buen control de mi cámara

De la que mas utilizo. Lo creía, sinceramente; independientemente de que mis fotos sean buenas o […]


"je pense, donc je suis" sólo tiene un final: solipsismo salvaje. Si pensar me concede existencia […]

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