A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they'll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won't do a thing for you if you don't have anything in your head or in your heart.

Arnold Newman


Through the looking glass

By chance.º I passed by, kept on my way and took a few seconds to turn back. I situated myself, […]

Through the looking glass

Waiting for

I liked the expression and pose of the guy in the foreground. And when I focused he changed […]

Waiting for

Speech bubble

On a walk, on the hunt for moments. I wanted to bring the dialogue to the forefront, with the […]

Speech bubble


On the promenade next to the river, very close to the red-and-white stadium. It is a pleasant […]



Walking through El rastro. The intention was to capture someone and see their face, to be […]


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