El que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra




Datos EXIF
Fecha de captura:2013:10:10 10:32:47
Cámara:NIKON D5100
Longitud focal:46 mm
Modo de medición:Media ponderada al centro
Programa:Prioridad de apertura
Tiempo de exposición:1/80 seg
Apertura:f 8
Balance de blancos:Automático
Con flash:No

On the promenade next to the river, very close to the red-and-white stadium.


It is a pleasant place to walk, at least when there are not too many people. When I did it I had free time galore.

I love this type of photos, with little or no effort you get a shot at least different.

This is directly what the camera capture, after a few attempts, until I took out one that convinced me; there is no retouching except a 180-degree turn.


José M. Carnero

Thursday 10 de October de 2013 (10:32)

PermURL: ../?entrada&ent=mirror


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