If you want to be a photographer, first leave home.

Steve McCurry




Datos EXIF
Fecha de captura:2015:07:04 18:59:06
Cámara:NIKON D5100
Longitud focal:175 mm
Modo de medición:Media ponderada al centro
Tiempo de exposición:1/80 seg
Apertura:f 5.6
Balance de blancos:Automático
Con flash:No

At the top of one of the parade floats.


I did a lot of shots in the parade; It is one of those perfect moments, everything attracts attention, everything is surprising and there is a huge good vibe. Possibly post some more.

I had to get away enough to be able to take it as I wanted, with the zoom to the maximum so that the low angle was not too exaggerated, otherwise the "scaffolding" that goes on the float would have completely stepped on the model; this way I manage to balance the looks more (surprising that from that distance the boy seems to be looking at me) and that the scaffolding frames it. I think that gives it even more strength.

portfoliofotografíainstagramMadridgay pridemanparade

José M. Carnero

Saturday 4 de July de 2015 (18:59)

PermURL: ../?entrada&ent=pride


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