De querer ser a creer que se es ya, va la distancia de lo trágico o lo cómico.

José Ortega y Gasset


Through the looking glass


Datos EXIF
Fecha de captura:2023:06:22 16:38:53
Cámara:NIKON Z 6
Longitud focal:85 mm
Modo de medición:Puntual
Tiempo de exposición:1/180 seg
Apertura:f 4
Balance de blancos:Luz del día
Con flash:No

By chance.º

Through the looking glass

I passed by, kept on my way and took a few seconds to turn back. I situated myself, it was difficult for him not to look at me, but I did it anyway.

The problem is that I do not like at all how it has been, even after a soft development (I do not like to alter what is really seen, except with more "artistic" intentions). Although it is clearly distinguished, the whole reflection is very contaminated. Pity.


José M. Carnero

Thursday 22 de June de 2023 (16:38)

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