The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community.

Ann Strong


Waiting for


Datos EXIF
Fecha de captura:2023:04:25 17:26:29
Cámara:NIKON Z 6
Longitud focal:85 mm
Modo de medición:Puntual
Tiempo de exposición:1/250 seg
Apertura:f 4
Balance de blancos:Luz del día
Con flash:No

I liked the expression and pose of the guy in the foreground.

Waiting for

And when I focused he changed slightly, moving his head to his right, looking for someone maybe. Even more interesting, I think.


José M. Carnero

Tuesday 25 de April de 2023 (17:26)

PermURL: ../?entrada&ent=waitingfor


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