My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph.

Richard Avedon


Who's there?


Datos EXIF
Fecha de captura:2013:12:17 13:56:00
Cámara:NIKON D5100
Longitud focal:65 mm
Modo de medición:Media ponderada al centro
Programa:Prioridad de apertura
Tiempo de exposición:1/25 seg
Apertura:f 5.6
Balance de blancos:Automático
Con flash:No

Difficult because of the restlessness.

Who's there?

Walking through the Retiro I saw in the distance a couple trying to approach a squirrel to take a picture (I think), but the animal was not still, continuously hid and showed again, to the despair of the couple.

They walked away a little, waited for the squirrel to show up, took their picture and left.

Of course, I took advantage of the moment to make mine myself. Even from further away, a lot of zoom and fast so as not to lose the pose; Result: Trepidated subject...


José M. Carnero

Tuesday 17 de December de 2013 (13:56)

PermURL: ../?entrada&ent=whosthere


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